Professional's choice split reins 1/2": Selleria Repetti

Cod. RH7061
Professional Choice
59.00 €
including VAT

Professional Choice Split Reins 1/2"

Our heavy Ranchhand top-grain harness leather reins have a special, heavy oil dressing applied to give a great feel from the first ride and years to come. Maximum weight in the tails for good rein balance. 7' plus length. Made in the USA.

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If you return an item for any other reason, we will examine the item and will notify you of your refund within a reasonable period. Refunds are not possible after 30 days from the date of purchase. Most returns will be processed in approximately 2-3 weeks although, on occasion, some returns may take up to 28 days to be processed. Your refund will be credited back to you within approximately two days of being processed. Shipping cost will not be rufund. Paypal commision will not be refund. shipping cost for returning items will be up to the customer.

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